Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Netanyahu Cites Holocaust in AIPAC Speech

In a speech given at AIPAC today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu predictably cited the so-called Jewish Holocaust in order to pressure the US to continue its near-total support of the state of Israel.  The highly emotional speech, designed for mass consumption by the US public with nice sounding rhetoric good for sound clips on the nightly news, urged US lawmakers to take whatever means necessary to prevent Iran from attaining the ability to enrich uranium and to unconditionally support Israeli foreign policy.  The entire speech was littered with fear-mongering hypocritical lies and hyperboles with the obvious intention of scaring the public into believing that Iran is a threat to the United States. Some of the gems include:

Now, on the other side of that moral divide [opposite of benevolent Israel], steeped in blood and savagery, stand the forces of terror — Iran, Assad, Hezbollah, al-Qaida and many others.

Iran says it only wants a peaceful nuclear program…So why does it continue to build ICBMs, intercontinental ballistic missiles, whose only purpose is to carry nuclear warheads?

See, unlike Scud missiles, that are limited to a range of a few hundred miles, ICBMs [production of which, Netanyahu tells us, is the only purpose of Iran’s nuclear program] can cross vast oceans. And they can strike, right now or very soon, the Eastern seaboard of the United States — Washington — and very soon after that, everywhere else in the United States, up to L.A.

And the important point to make is this: Iran’s missiles can already reach Israel, so those ICBMs that they’re building, they’re not intended for us. You remember that beer commercial, “this Bud’s for you”?  Well, when you see Iran building ICBMs, just remember, America, that Scud’s for you…and guess what tune they’re singing in Tehran? It’s not “God Bless America,” it’s “death to America.”

After sufficient rhetorical attack on the typical American’s sense of security, Netanyahu, in typical fashion, drops an allusion to the “Holocaust” to convince any skeptics out there that the very existence of the Jews (who are perpetual victims and never aggressors) is at stake; a nuclear Iran would mean a whole new “Holocaust” of the Jewish people.

70 years ago, our people, the Jewish people, were left for dead. We came back to life. We will never be brought to the brink of extinction again.

This is just another example of why Holocaust revisionism is important.  It deeply influences the international community’s relationship with the Israeli state.  Because the Jews are the victims of an alleged genocide at the hands of Nazi Germany, Israel is allowed to get away with horrendous acts of violence against Palestine and the rest of the Middle East.  When the truth comes out, Israel will have a lot less emotional leverage to use against the rest of the world.

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