Thursday, February 27, 2014

Are the Gas Chamber Witnesses Reliable? The 1988 Ernst Zundel Trial

When questioning the existence of homicidal gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps, one invariably hears the objection that there are thousands of eyewitnesses to the gassing of Jews, thus it is ridiculous to even to question.  Therefore, it is important to note the problems with eyewitness testimony in general as well as the specific eyewitness testimony to the gas chambers.  Eyewitnesses can never be as reliable as concrete scientific fact for many reasons such as human error, pressure that can be applied to influence testimony, high emotional stress, etc.  In particular, “eyewitnesses” to the supposed gas chambers have been, like the vast majority of people in the developed world today, highly influenced by the portrayal of the Holocaust in movies, TV shows, the classroom, and the media.  Can “eyewitnesses” in all cases separate what they really saw from what they have been indoctrinated to believe?

One of the very few times that these eyewitnesses have been put under scrutiny and subject to cross-examination in a court of law was the 1988 Ernst Zundel “false news” trial in Canada.  Zundel was accused of disseminating “false news” by claiming that the Nazis did not use gas chambers to murder millions of Jews, as the “official” story goes.  The prosecution had the opportunity to put the nail in the coffin of Holocaust revisionism.  They knew what Zundel’s defense team would be arguing; if they could prove in a courtroom setting that there were creditable eyewitnesses to homicidal gas chambers, the revisionists’ theories would be dealt a serious blow.  Here is how the prosecution’s “eyewitnesses” fared in court.

Arnold Friedman, Hungarian Jew that claimed to be an eyewitness of homicidal gassings at Auschwitz:  Friedman claimed under oath that he saw “fourteen foot flames” coming from the crematory chimneys and that he could determine whether the bodies being burned were skinny Jews from Poland or fatter Jews from Hungary by the color of the flames.  Doug Christie, Zundel’s attorney pointed out that crematoria are designed to not emit any smoke, flames, ashes, or odors—it is impossible that the crematoria could emit flames.  Friedman countered that the crematoria in Auschwitz were not ordinary—these specially made ones could indeed do what he claimed.  Christie demolished all credibility of the witness by producing the patent for the crematorium built at Auschwitz.  It clearly showed that they were ordinary and could not emit flames or smoke.  In the end, Friedman had to admit that while he was at Auschwitz, he never witnessed any gassings and had been relying on what others have told him.

Rudolph Vrba, a Slovak Jew that claimed to be an eyewitness to gassings at Auschwitz:  Under oath, Vrba, whose testimony was included in the US Government’s 1944 “War Refugee Report” and was featured in various Holocaust documentaries, was forced to admit that his popular autobiography, I Cannot Forgive, was not based on fact but was instead an “artistic picture” and that he had made up the number and location of gas chambers in the 1944 report.  Vrba testified that he had calculated that around 150,000 French Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.  Christie demolished the claim by producing records that showed that only 75,721 Jews were deported from France.  Vrba has also claimed that he witnessed an SS man pour poison gas down a roof opening of an above-ground gas chamber and then proceed to climb down afterwards.  Christie further discredited Vrba by forcing him to admit that it was not a gas chamber, but a partially-underground mortuary that was not high enough from the ground for someone to need to “climb down.” 

Dennis Urstein, a supposed eyewitness that claimed to have assisted with bodies after Zyklon B homicidal gassings:  Urstein gave testimony that, against all common sense, he assisted in moving bodies after gassings while using no protective clothing whatsoever.  People who die from Zykon B poisoning turn a bright red.  Urstein testified that the bodies were “grayish-greenish.”  Another supposed “eyewitness” for the prosecution, Henry Leader, testified that the bodies of the gassing victims turned blue.

The 1988 Ernst Zundel trial cast a collective doubt on all supposed "eyewitnesses" to the Jewish "Holocaust."

Sources:  Michael Hoffman's The Great Holocaust Trial, Robert Fariusson's "The Zundel Trials"

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